Flashで本をペラペラめくる感じのUIを実装する「Dynamic Page Flip v2」:phpspot開発日誌
今度、これを使ってなんか創ってみよう( ^ω^)
pw = 397; //page width in pixel ph = 842; //page height in pixel //pages in the library must have the same size, the script will not resize them! //page data... (export names/tearing flag) addPage("start"); //Always start with "start"!!! addPage("page1"); addPage("page2"); addPage("page3"); addPage("page4"); addPage("page5"); addPage("page6"); addPage("page7"); addPage("page8"); addPage("end"); //always end with "end"!!! page=0; //first page (normally it is 0 = the page before the cover = blank page) hcover = false; //hard cover on/off clickarea = 64; //pixel width of the click sensitive area at the edges.. afa = 36; //width of the autoflip starter square. gs = 2; //goto page flip speed ps = 5; //mouse pursuit speed es = 3; //flip speed after mouse btn release canflip = true; //page flipping enabled transparency = false; //use transparent pages or not (1 level transparency) lcover = false; //large cover on/off lcaddx = 0; //width difference lcaddy = 0; //height difference on top/bottom SoundOn = false; //use page sounds //do not change these values: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _global.mcnt = 0; //counter (used on a page where is an animation) gpage = 0; //gotoPage No gflip = false; //gotoPage flip gdir = 0; //goto direction... gskip = false; //skip pages *** gtarget = 0; //target when skipping aflip = false; //auto flip flip = false; //pageflip flipOff = false; //terminateflip flipOK = false; //good flip hflip = false; //hardflip (the cover of the book) rotz = -30; //hardflip max y difference preflip = false; //corner flip status ctear = false; //actual page status tear = false; teard = 0; tlimit = 80; removedPages = new Array(); //list of removed pages! mpx = 0, mpy = 0; //mousepos at click sx = sy = 0; //startpoint when flipping x = 0; //mouse x,y y = 0; ax = 0; //auto x,y ay = 0; acnt = 0; aadd = 0; aamp = 0; AM = Math.PI/180; Thanks thehappyappy 08-16-2007, 05:54 AM The secone part of the code is://pageflip code by Macc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function addPage(ename,tear) { //defining pages... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(ename=="start") { pageOrder = new Array(); pageCanTear = new Array(); page=0; ename="blankpage"; } if(ename=="end") { maxpage = page-1; ename="blankpage"; } tear = tear==undefined? false: tear; pageOrder[page] = ename; pageCanTear[page] = tear; page++ } function reset() { //initializing pages... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pages.p4.page._x = -pw; pages.p4._x = pw; pages.p1.page._x = -pw; pages.p1._x = 0; pages.flip.p2.page._x = -pw; pages.flip.p2._x = pw; pages.flip.p3.page._x = -pw; pages.flip.p3._x = 0; pages.p0.page._x = -pw; pages.p0._x = 0; pages.p5.page._x = -pw; pages.p5._x = pw; pages.pLL.page._x = -pw; pages.pLL._x = 0; pages.pLR.page._x = -pw; pages.pLR._x = pw; pages.pgrad._visible = pages.mask._visible = pages.flip._visible = false; pages.flip.p3mask._width = pages.pgmask._width = pw*2; pages.flip.p3mask._height = pages.pgmask._height = ph; pages.center._height = ph+2*lcaddy; pages.flip.fmask.page.pf._width = pw; pages.center._width = 6; pages.flip.fmask.page.pf._height = ph; pages.mask._height = pages.pgrad._height = pages.flip.p3shadow._height = pages.flip.flipgrad._height = 2*Math.sqrt(ph*ph+pw*pw); pageNumber = new Array(); for(i=0;i<=(maxpage+1);i++) pageNumber[i] = i; } mousecontroll = new Object(); //initializing mouse click handler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- mousecontroll.onMouseDown = function() { if(flip && !aflip) {// && !preflip) { flipOK = false; if(sx<0 && pages._xmouse>0) flipOK = true; if(sx>0 && pages._xmouse<0) flipOK = true; flipOff = true; flip = false; } else if((flipOff || aflip || !canflip) && !preflip) { trace("donothing"); } else { var oox = ox; var ooy = oy; var osx = sx; var osy = sy; var hit = hittest(); //hittest if(hit) { startsnd(1); //Sound anim._visible = false; flip = true; flipOff = false; tear = false; //not tearing yet... ox = sx = hit*pw; if(preflip) { aflip = preflip = false; ox = oox, oy = ooy; sx = osx, sy = osy; } pages.flip.setMask(pages.mask); mpx = pages._xmouse, mpy = pages._ymouse; oef(); //_quality = "MEDIUM"; //it is the place to degrade image quality while turning pages if the performance is too low. } } } mousecontroll.onMouseUp = function() { if(flip && !tear) { if((Math.abs(pages._xmouse)>(pw-afa) && Math.abs(pages._ymouse)>(ph/2-afa) && Math.abs(pages._xmouse-mpx)<afa) || preflip) { flip = false; preflip = false; autoflip(); startsnd(2); //sound } else if(!preflip) { preflip = false; flipOK = false; if(sx<0 && pages._xmouse>0) flipOK = true; if(sx>0 && pages._xmouse<0) flipOK = true; flipOff = true; flip = false; if(flipOK) startsnd(2); //sound } } } function hittest() { //hittest at mouse clicks, if click is over the book -> determining turning direction ------------------------------------ var x=pages._xmouse; var y=pages._ymouse; var pmh = ph/2; if(y<=pmh && y>=-pmh && x<=pw && x>=-pw) { //ha a megadott intervallumban klikkelunk, akkor lapozhatunk var r = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); var a = Math.asin(y/r); var y = Math.tan(a)*pw; if(y>0 && y>ph/2) y = ph/2; if(y<0 && y<-ph/2) y = - ph/2; oy = sy = y; r0 = Math.sqrt((sy+ph/2)*(sy+ph/2)+pw*pw); r1 = Math.sqrt((ph/2-sy)*(ph/2-sy)+pw*pw); pageN = eval("pages.flip.p2.page"); pageO = eval("pages.flip.p3"); offs = -pw; pages.flip.fmask._x = pw; if(x<-(pw-clickarea) && page>0) { //>-----> flip backward pages.flip.p3._x = 0; hflip = checkCover(page,-1); setPages(page-2,page-1,page,page+1); ctear = pageCanTear[page-1]; return -1; } if(x>(pw-clickarea) && page<maxpage) { //<-----< flip forward pages.flip.p3._x = pw; hflip = checkCover(page,1); setPages(page,page+2,page+1,page+3); ctear = pageCanTear[page+2]; return 1; } } else return 0; //wrong click } function checkCover(p,dir) { if(hcover) { if(dir>0) { if(p==(maxpage-2) || p==0) return true; } else { if(p==maxpage || p==2) return true; } } return false; } function corner() { var x = Math.abs(pages._xmouse); var y = Math.abs(pages._ymouse); if(x>(pw-afa) && x<pw && y>(ph/2-afa) && y<(ph/2)) { return true; } return false; } function oef() { _global.mcnt++; //main counter incrase (need for some page effect); if(!flip && corner()) { //corner mouseover preflip = true; if(!autoflip()) preflip = false; } if(preflip && !corner()) { preflip = false; flip = false; flipOK = false; flipOff = true; } getm(); if(aflip && !preflip) { y = (ay += (sy-ay)/(gflip? gs: ps )); acnt += aadd; ax -= aadd; if(Math.abs(acnt)>pw) { flipOK = true; flipOff = true; flip = false; aflip = false; } } if(flip) { //page turning is in progress... if(tear) { x = tox; y = (toy += teard); teard *= 1.2; if(Math.abs(teard)>1200) { flipOff = true; flip = false; } } else { x = (ox += (x-ox)/(gflip? gs: ps )); y = (oy += (y-oy)/(gflip? gs: ps )); } calc(x,y); //positioning pages and shadows } if(flipOff) { //terminating page turning effect... (comlplete turning... dropped on the other side) if(flipOK || tear) { x = (ox += (-sx-ox)/(gflip? gs: es )); y = (oy += (sy-oy)/(gflip? gs: es )); calc(x,y); if(x/-sx > 0.99 || tear) { //we are done with turning, so stop all turning issue... flip = false; flipOK = flipOff = false; pages.pgrad._visible = pages.flip._visible = false; //_quality = "BEST"; //if quality is decrased during turning effect, you must reset its default value! if(tear) { //if tear: remove page!!! removePage((sx<0)? page: page+1); page += (sx<0)? -2: 0; } else { page += (sx<0)? -2: 2; //and tourning pages at pagenumber level... } if(gskip) page = gtarget; setPages(page,0,0,page+1); tear = false; if(gpage>0 && !gskip) { //gotoflip active -> is there another flipping left? gpage--; autoflip(); startsnd(0); //sound } else gflip = gskip = false; } } else { //terminating page turning effect... (incomlplete turning... dropped on the dragged side) x = (ox += (sx-ox)/3); y = (oy += (sy-oy)/3); calc(x,y); if(x/sx > 0.99) { //we are done with turning, so stop all turning issue... flip = false; flipOff = false; aflip = false; pages.pgrad._visible = pages.flip._visible = false; //_quality = "HIGH"; //if quality is decrased during turning effect, you must reset its default value! setPages(page,0,0,page+1); //no change at pagenumbers.. } } } } function calc(x,y) { //positioning pages and shadows by x,y reference points -------------------------------------------------- if(hflip) { //hardflip... var xp = (sx<0)? -x: x; if(xp>0) { sp2._visible = false; sp3._visible = true; scalc(sp3,x); } else { sp3._visible = false; sp2._visible = true; scalc(sp2,x); } pages.flip.setMask(null); pages.flip._visible = true; pages.flip.fgrad._visible = false; pages.flip.p2._visible = pages.flip.p3._visible = false; return; } else pages.flip.fgrad._visible = true; //normal flipping process--------------------------------------------------------------------- var rr0 = Math.sqrt((y+ph/2)*(y+ph/2)+x*x); var rr1 = Math.sqrt((ph/2-y)*(ph/2-y)+x*x); if((rr0>r0 || rr1>r1) && !tear) { // we can tear off pages now:) // so reference points must be recalculated! if(y<sy) { // k1-gyel kell osszehasonlitani! var a = Math.asin((ph/2-y)/rr1); y = (ph/2-Math.sin(a)*r1); x = (x<0)? -Math.cos(a)*r1: Math.cos(a)*r1; if(y>sy) { if((sx*x)>0) y = sy, x = sx; else y = sy, x = -sx; } if((rr1-r1)>tlimit && ctear) { teard = -5; tear = true; tox = ox = x; toy = oy = y; } } else { // k0-val kell osszehasonlitani! var a = Math.asin((y+ph/2)/rr0); y = Math.sin(a)*r0-ph/2; x = (x<0)? -Math.cos(a)*r0: Math.cos(a)*r0; if(y<sy) { if((sx*x)>0) y = sy, x = sx; else y = sy, x = -sx; } if((rr0-r0)>tlimit && ctear) { teard = 5; tear = true; tox = ox = x; toy = oy = y; } } } if((sx<0 && (x-sx)<10) || (sx>0 && (sx-x)<10)) { if(sx<0) x = -pw+10; if(sx>0) x = pw-10; } //calculating flipping process pages.flip._visible = true; pages.flip.p3shadow._visible = pages.pgrad._visible = !tear; pages.flip.p2._visible = pages.flip.p3._visible = true; //equation of the line var vx = x-sx; var vy = y-sy; var a1 = vy/vx; var a2 = -vy/vx; cx = sx+(vx/2); cy = sy+(vy/2); //trigonometriai szamitasok //calculating rotation of the page, and the masks var r = Math.sqrt((sx-x)*(sx-x)+(sy-y)*(sy-y)); var a = Math.asin((sy-y)/r); if(sx<0) a = -a; ad = a/AM; //in degree pageN._rotation = ad*2; r = Math.sqrt((sx-x)*(sx-x)+(sy-y)*(sy-y)); rl = (pw*2); if(sx>0) { //flip forward pages.mask._xscale = 100; nx = cx-Math.tan(a)*(ph/2-cy); ny = ph/2; if(nx>pw) { nx = pw; ny = cy+Math.tan(Math.PI/2+a)*(pw-cx); } pageN.pf._x = -(pw-nx); pages.flip.fgrad._xscale = (r/rl/2)*pw; pages.pgrad._xscale = -(r/rl/2)*pw; pages.flip.p3shadow._xscale = (r/rl/2)*pw; } else { //flip backward pages.mask._xscale = -100; nx = cx-Math.tan(a)*(ph/2-cy); ny = ph/2; if(nx<-pw) { nx = -pw; ny = cy+Math.tan(Math.PI/2+a)*(-pw-cx); } pageN.pf._x = -(pw-(pw+nx)); pages.flip.fgrad._xscale = -(r/rl/2)*pw; pages.pgrad._xscale = (r/rl/2)*pw; pages.flip.p3shadow._xscale = -(r/rl/2)*pw; } pages.mask._x = cx; pages.mask._y = cy; pages.mask._rotation = ad; pageN.pf._y = -ny; pageN._x = nx+offs; pageN._y = ny; pages.flip.fgrad._x = cx; pages.flip.fgrad._y = cy; pages.flip.fgrad._rotation = ad; pages.flip.fgrad._alpha = (r>(rl-50))? 100-(r-(rl-50))*2: 100; pages.flip.p3shadow._x = cx; pages.flip.p3shadow._y = cy; pages.flip.p3shadow._rotation = ad; pages.flip.p3shadow._alpha = (r>(rl-50))? 100-(r-(rl-50))*2: 100; pages.pgrad._x = cx; pages.pgrad._y = cy; pages.pgrad._rotation = ad+180; pages.pgrad._alpha = (r>(rl-100))? 100-(r-(rl-100)): 100; pages.flip.fmask.page._x = pageN._x; pages.flip.fmask.page._y = pageN._y; pages.flip.fmask.page.pf._x = pageN.pf._x; pages.flip.fmask.page.pf._y = pageN.pf._y; pages.flip.fmask.page._rotation = pageN._rotation; } function scalc(obj,x) { //hardflip calc if(x<-pw) x=-pw; if(x>pw) x=pw; var a = Math.asin( x/pw ); var rot = a/AM/2; var xs = 100; var ss = 100*Math.sin( rotz*AM ); x = x/2; var y = Math.cos(a)*(pw/2)*(ss/100); placeImg(obj, rot, ss, x, y) pages.pgrad._visible = pages.flip._visible = true; pages.pgrad._xscale = x; pages.pgrad._alpha = pages.flip.p3shadow._alpha = 100; pages.flip.p3shadow._xscale = -x; pages.flip.p3shadow._x = 0; pages.flip.p3shadow._y = 0; pages.flip.p3shadow._rotation = 0; pages.pgrad._x = 0; pages.pgrad._y = 0; pages.pgrad._rotation = 0; } function placeImg(j, rot, ss, x, y) { var m = Math.tan( rot*AM ); var f = Math.SQRT2/Math.sqrt(m*m+1); var phxs = 100*m; var phRot = -rot;; var xs = 100*f; var ys = 100*f; j.ph.pic._rotation = 45; j.ph.pic._xscale = (phxs<0)? - xs: xs; j.ph.pic._yscale = ys*(100/ss); j.ph._rotation = phRot; j.ph._xscale = phxs; j._yscale = ss; j._x = x; j._y = y; j._visible = true; } function setPages(p1,p2,p3,p4) { //attach the right page "image" at the right place:) p0 = p1-2; //pages for transparency... p5 = p4+2; if(p0<0) p0=0; if(p5>maxpage) p5=0; if(p1<0) p1=0; //visible pages if(p2<0) p2=0; if(p3<0) p3=0; if(p4<0) p4=0; trace("setpages ->"+p1+","+p2+","+p3+","+p4); pleft = pages.p1.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[p1],"pic",0); pages.p1.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; if(transparency) { pleftb = pages.p0.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[p0],"pic",0); pages.p0.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; } else pages.p0._visible = false; if(hflip) { //hardflip pages are specials!!! var tm = pages.flip.hfliph.attachMovie("sph","sp2",0); sp2 = tm.ph.pic.attachMovie(pageOrder[p2],"pic",0); sp2._y = -ph/2, sp2._x = -pw/2; sp2 = eval("pages.flip.hfliph.sp2"); var tm = pages.flip.hfliph.attachMovie("sph","sp3",1); sp3 = tm.ph.pic.attachMovie(pageOrder[p3],"pic",0); sp3._y = -ph/2, sp3._x = -pw/2; sp3 = eval("pages.flip.hfliph.sp3"); } else { pages.flip.hfliph.sp2.removeMovieClip(); pages.flip.hfliph.sp3.removeMovieClip(); sp2 = pages.flip.p2.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[p2],"pic",0); pages.flip.p2.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; sp3 = pages.flip.p3.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[p3],"pic",0); pages.flip.p3.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; } pright = pages.p4.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[p4],"pic",0); pages.p4.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; if(transparency) { prightb = pages.p5.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[p5],"pic",0); pages.p5.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; } else pages.p5._visible = false; if(lcover) { var lpl = transparency? p1-4: p1-2; var lpr = transparency? p4+4: p4+2; var limit = transparency? 0: -2; if(lpl>limit) { pages.pLL.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[2],"pic",0); pages.pLL.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; pages.pLL._visible = true; } else pages.pLL._visible = false; if(lpr<(maxpage-limit)) { pages.pLR.page.pf.ph.attachMovie(pageOrder[maxpage-1],"pic",0); pages.pLR.page.pf.ph._y = -ph/2; pages.pLR._visible = true; } else pages.pLR._visible = false; } } function resetPages() { setPages(page,0,0,page+1); } thehappyappy 08-16-2007, 05:55 AM The final part of the code is: function autoflip() { //start auto flip! if(!aflip && !flip && !flipOff && canflip) { //only when all conditions fits our needs... acnt = 0 var pmh = ph/2; aamp = Math.random()*pmh-(ph/4); var x= gflip? (gdir*pw)/2: ((pages._xmouse<0)? -pw/2: pw/2); var y= pages._ymouse; if(y>0 && y>pmh) y = pmh; if(y<0 && y<-pmh) y = - pmh; oy = sy = y; ax = (pages._xmouse<0)? -pmh: pmh; ay = y*Math.random(); //page turnig style randomizing offs = -pw; var hit = 0; if(x<0 && page>0) { pages.flip.p3._x = 0; hflip = (hcover && gskip)? (page==maxpage || gtarget==0): checkCover(page,-1); if(!(preflip && hflip)) { if(gskip) setPages(gtarget,gtarget+1,page,page+1); else setPages(page-2,page-1,page,page+1); } hit = -1; } if(x>0 && page<maxpage) { pages.flip.p3._x = pw; hflip = (hcover && gskip)? (page==0 || gtarget==maxpage): checkCover(page,1); if(!(preflip && hflip)) { if(gskip) setPages(page,gtarget,page+1,gtarget+1); else setPages(page,page+2,page+1,page+3); } hit = 1; } if(hflip && preflip) { hit = 0; preflip = false; return false; } if(hit) { anim._visible = false; flip = true; flipOff = false; ox = sx = hit*pw; pages.flip.setMask(pages.mask); aadd = hit*(pw/(gflip? 5:10 )); //autoflip takes 10 frames to be done!!! aflip = true; pages.flip.fmask._x = pw; if(preflip) { oy = sy = (pages._ymouse<0)? -(ph/2): (ph/2); } r0 = Math.sqrt((sy+ph/2)*(sy+ph/2)+pw*pw); r1 = Math.sqrt((ph/2-sy)*(ph/2-sy)+pw*pw); pageN = eval("pages.flip.p2.page"); pageO = eval("pages.flip.p3"); oef(); return true; } } else return false; } function getm() { //get x,y reference points depending of turning style: manual/auto if(aflip && !preflip) { x = ax; y = ay; } else { x = pages._xmouse; y = pages._ymouse; } } function gotoPage(i,skip) { //quickjump to the page number i i = getPN(i); //i = target page gskip = (skip==undefined)? false: skip; //skip pages if(i<0) return false; var p = int(page/2); var d = int(i/2); if(p!=d && canflip && !gflip) { //target!=current page if(p<d) { //go forward gdir = 1; gpage = d-p-1; } else { //go backward gdir = -1 gpage = p-d-1; } gflip = true; if(gskip) gtarget = d*2, gpage = 0; autoflip(); startsnd(0); //sound } else gskip = false; } function getPN(i) { //get the right page number if(i==0) return 0; var find = false; for(j=1;j<=maxpage;j++) { if(i==pageNumber[j]) { i=j; find = true; break; } } if(find) return i; else return -1; } function removePage(i) { trace("remove page "+i); i = (Math.floor((i-1)/2)*2)+1; removedPages.push(pageNumber[i], pageNumber[i+1]); for(j=(i+2);j<=(maxpage+1);j++) { pageOrder[j-2]=pageOrder[j]; pageCanTear[j-2]=pageCanTear[j]; pageNumber[j-2]=pageNumber[j]; } trace("removed pages "+i+","+(i+1)); trace(removedPages.join(", ")); maxpage -= 2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snd0 = new Sound(); //adding sound objects snd1 = new Sound(); snd2 = new Sound(); snd0.attachSound("pf1"); snd1.attachSound("pf2"); snd2.attachSound("pf3"); function startsnd(i) { //Sound starter if(SoundOn) { if(i==0) { snd0.start(0,0); snd0.onSoundComplete = function () { startsnd(2); delete snd0.onSoundComplete; } } else { i--; this["snd"+i].start(0,0); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUT YOUR CODE HERE -------------- /* you can use these functions: gotoPage( destinationPageNo, skip ); //quick jump to the page number: destinationPageNo; values = 0-maxpages; skip: boolean; if true, pages will be skipped to the destination! canflip //it's a variable. setting its value to false disables flipping other functions of page turning is automatic; WARNING!!! if you want to unload/reload tha pageflip, before unloading call function: removeML(); to remove mouse listener! */ function startAutoFlip () { intervalID = setInterval(nextPage,2000); //2 seconds } function stopAutoFlip () { clearInterval(intervalID); } function prevPage() { gotoPage(page-2); } function nextPage() { gotoPage(page+2); }